Subject: Date: Wed, 18 Jun 1997 07:25:06 -0700 From: David Matthew Levinson <dmlevins> To: 1996 WIT 4: "Where's Gaius?" Questions by George Washington 1. After teaching at Riga, where he measured the affinity coefficients of many acids, he was appointed professor of chemistry at Leipzig in 1887, promoted Arrhenius' electolytic dissociation theory, and discovered a dilution law. FTP, who was this physical chemist who invented a process for making nitric acid by the oxidation of ammonia, and was awarded the 1909 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for his work on catalytic reactions? Answer: Friedrich Wilhelm _Ostwald_ 2. The author of _The Nature of the Judicial Process_ and _The Paradoxes of Legal Science_, among his innovations while serving as a judge on New York's Court of Appeals include the doctrine of promissory estoppel in the 1927 _Allegheny College_ case and the implied warranty rule in the 1916 _MacPherson_ case. FTP, identify this judge, who was later named to the Supreme Court by President Hoover in 1932 and served until his death six years later. Answer: Benjamin L. _Cardozo_ 3. This playwright died at the court of Archelaus, king of Macedonia, around 406 BC, and was satirized in Aristophanes' _Thesmophoriazusai_. His works include _Hercules Furens_, _Hecuba_, and the satyr play _Cyclops_. FTP, who is this latest of the three Greek tradegians, author of _Ion_, _Alcestis_, and _The Trojan Women_? Answer: _Euripides_ 4. In 1745, he married Margaret Burr, the illegitimate daughter of the fourth duke of Beaufort. He copied Dutch landscapes as a youth and learned the art of rococo decoration under Gravelot and Hayman. His _Mr. and Mrs. Andrews_ has been called "the most English of English paintings." Other early works include _The Charterhouse_ and the Rubens- esque _Peasants Returning From Market._ FTP, identify this British landscape artist, commissioned for a portrait of the King and Queen in 1781, best known for "The Blue Boy." Answer: Thomas _Gainsborough_ 5. He married the Creole Anita Riveira de Silva while he was a guerilla fighter and privateer in Brazil. Also a leader of the Uruguayan independence movement, he had escaped to South America after being condemned to death in Genoa in 1834 while serving in the Piedmontese Navy. FTP, who was this Italian best known for his guerilla conquest of Sicily and Naples as the leader of the "Red Shirts"? Answer: Giuseppe _Garibaldi_ 6. His autobiography has 3 volumes: _Happy Days_, _Newspaper Days_, and _Heathen Days_, and his other works include _Ventures into Verse_ and _Damn: A Book of Calumny_. He published studies of George Bernard Shaw and championed writers like Sinclair Lewis and Joseph Conrad. With George Nathan he founded the magazine _Smart Set_ and _The American Mercury_, which he co-edited for nine years. FTP, identify this 1920s icon and Baltimore native. Answer: Henry Louis _Mencken_ 7. This state's first known inhabitants were of the Abenaki tribe. The first European settlement here was on Isle LaMotte in 1666. Other early settlements include the Dutch town of Pownal and the English Fort Dummer, and its motto is "Freedom and Unity." Most of its western border of this 45th largest state is a large lake named after the French explorer who discovered it. FTP, identify this state, whose name is from the French for "green mountain." Answer: _Vermont_ 8. The total radiation energy per unit of time emitted by a heated surface per unit area varies with the fourth power of its absolute temperature. In concert with the Second Law of Thermodynamics, you can determine temperature dependency for blackbody radiation. The preceding was the application of, FTP, what law of physics, named for the two Austrian scientists who discovered it? Answer: _Stefan-Boltzmann_ Law 9. Clarence Norris was pardoned in 1976 after fleeing parole 30 years earlier. Heywood Patterson was convicted of manslaughter in Michigan three years after escaping prison in 1948. Eight of the nine received death sentences, but the pesky Supreme Court kept reversing the convictions. FTP, identify the Alabama town in which nine black men allegedly raped two white women in 1931. Answer: _Scottsboro_, Alabama (names such as "Scottsboro Boys" and "Scottsboro Nine" are acceptable) 10. An early influence on him was a Jewish violinst named Edward Remenyi, who taught him Gypsy music. After hearing his Handel Variations, Richard Wagner admitted that "They show what may still be done with the old forms, provided that someone appears who knows how to treat them," which is high praise considering that this composer signed a Manifesto in 1860 attacking the "Music of the Future" of which Wagner was a leader. FTP, who is this composer of four symphonies, _Hungarian Dances_, the _Academic Festival Overture_ and _A German Requiem_? Answer: Johannes _Brahms_ 11. Born in Brunswick to poor parents, the Duke of Brunswick paid for his education at the Collegium Carolinum and the University of Gottingen. He did work on the theory of errors of observation, the curvature of surfaces, and proved a circle could only be divided into n parts with a compass and straightedge only if n is the product of distinct Fermat primes and a non-negative power of 2. He also gave six proofs to the law of quadratic reciprocity and four different proofs of the fundamental theorem of algebra. FTP, identify this mathematician, the author of _Disquisitiones Arithmeticae_. Answer: Carl Friedrich _Gauss_ 12. In Mecca, they were the rival subclan to Muhammed's Hashemites. Still, they embraced Islam and quickly became prominent in the Muslim Empire. Their leader defeated Ali and his Shi'a followers, seized the caliphate, and moved the capital to Damascus. FTP, identify this dynasty overthrown at about 750 by the Abbasids. Answer: The _Umayyad_s or _Ommayad_s 13. He was a technical writer for Boeing before leaving to write fiction like _Low-Lands_ and _The Secret Integration_. Born in Glen Cove, NY, in 1984 he published _Slow Learner_, which contains a revealing essay on his acknowledged influences. FTP, who is this American creator of the characters Oedipa Maas and Herbert Stencil in _The Crying of Lot 49_ and _V._? Answer: Thomas _Pynchon_ 14. By the end of the battle, the Duke of Orleans and the Marshal Jean Bociquaut had been captured, and Charles d'Albret, who had led the first French battalion, was killed. The weight of their armor and the very difficult movement over wet plowed fields left most of the French knights exhausted before they had even come within range of the English archers. FTP, what was this battle in the Hundred Years' War in which Henry V defeated a much larger French force on October 25, 1415? Answer: _Agincourt_ 15. At the beginning of this phase of mitosis, the centromeres that had previously held the chromatids togethers have just broken apart, and the two new chromosomes begin to move away to opposite spindle poles. By the late period of this phase, the cell contains two groups of chromosomes that are widely separated, and cytokinesis often begins. FTP, what is this stage of mitosis between metaphase and telophase? Answer: _Anaphase_ 16. Iowa State running back Troy Davis is considered to be one of the front-runners in the race for the Heisman trophy this year, despite the fact that his team will almost certainly end up the season with a losing record. FTP, name the only player who has actually won the Heisman despite playing on a team which won more games than it lost. The publicity this 1956 winner got by virtue of playing for Notre Dame was perhaps the deciding factor in his winning the trophy. ANS: Paul HORNUNG 17. In 55 BC war, this man was misled by a treacherous guide and was utterly defeated in the plains of Mesopotamia and later slain after being beguiled into a conference with Surenas. A supporter of Sulla in the civil war against Gaius Marius, he was consul with Pompey in 70 BC. FTP, who was this member of the first triumvirate who as propraetor one year earlier had put down the Spartacist revolt? Answer: Marcus Licinius _Crassus_ 18. Tommy Morgan played the harmonica, Jim Keltner played the drums, and Alan Kendall played lead guitar on their album, _Life in a Tin Can_. Inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in September 1996, their most popular songs include "Saved by the bell", "Don't throw it all away" and "How can you mend a broken heart". FTP, name this group whose principal members were Maurice, Robin, and Barry Gibb. Answer: The _Bee Gees_ 19. This man's epitath is Latin for "He broke the barriers of the heavens." After abandoning a career in music, he concluded that double stars are held together by gravitation and that they revolve around a common center. He also discovered the the Saturnian satellite Mimas and the Uranian satellites Titania and Oberon. FTP, who was this astronomer who had earlier gained fame in 1781 for discovering Uranus? Answer: Sir Frederick William _Herschel_ 20. Alas, poor Fredrick, since his birthday is February 29, has only seen five birthdays and only served five years of his 21-year contract. So he tells the Pirate King that General Stanley is not in fact an orphan. This scene is a key turning point in, FTP, what operetta by Gilbert and Sullivan, featuring the song "I Am The Very Model Of A Modern Major General"? Answer: The _Pirates Of Penzance_ ----extras---- An insane uncle Frank eagerly awaits a radio contest announcement, a struggling musician tries to save her house from becoming a seafood restauraunt, and our hero, all the while drawing pictures of evil fuzzy bunnies, saves the day by winning a boat race. This is a synopsis of, FTP, what 1980s classic film, starring Demi Moore and John Cusack? Answer: "_One Crazy Summer_" The only child of an army officer, at age 14 he sent his first extent poem, "La Mort," to Victor Hugo. During the Franco-Prussian war he did guard duty in Paris and served as press-officer for the Communards. He expressed his love for the 16-year-old Mathilde Maute is expressed in his _La Bonne Chanson_, but his love for another person whom he shot in the wrist is better known. FTP, identify this symbolist poet of _Sagesse_ and _Fetes Galantes_ who had an unhappy liaison with Arthur Rimbaud? Answer: Paul _Verlaine_ 1996 WIT 4: "Where's Gaius?" Questions by George Washington BONUSES 1. 30-20-10-5, name the author from a list of works. 1. _False Dawn_ and _Twilight Sleep_ 2. _The Custom of the Country_ and _The Valley of Decision_ 3. _The House of Mirth_ 4. _Ethan Frome_ Answer: Edith Newbold Jones _Wharton_ 2. Identify these B terms from biology FTP each. a) A fluid-filled sac that aids lubrication in some joints. Answer: _bursa_ b) A defensive adaptation in which a nonpoisonous organism has the appearance of a poisonous species. Answer: _Batesian_ mimicry c) A cup-shaped structure of the nephron of a kidney that encloses the glomerulus. Answer: _Bowman's_ capsule 3. For five points each, identify the first woman cabinet member of the US, the position she held, and the president she served under. Answers: Frances _Perkins_, Secretary of _Labor_, Franklin Delano _Roosevelt_ Now for five points each, identify the second female cabinet member, the position she held, and the president she served under. Answers: Oveta Culp _Hobby_, Secretary of _Health, Education, and Welfare_, Dwight David _Eisenhower_ 4. For 5 points each, given the major American city, identify the mayor. a) Baltimore, Maryland Answer: Kurt _Schmoke_ b) Indianapolis, Indiana Answer: Steven _Goldsmith_ c) Denver, Colorado Answer: Wellington _Webb_ d) San Fransisco, California Answer: Willie _Brown_ e) Cleveland, Ohio Answer: Michael _White_ f) Boston, Massachusetts Answer: Thomas _Menino_ 5. Identify the German Nobel Prize winners who wrote the following works for ten points each, five if you need another work and the year he won. 1. 10 pts: _History of Rome_ 5 pts: _The Roman Provinces_, won in 1902 Answer: Theodor _Mommsen_ 2. 10 pts: _Tonio Kroger_ and _Joseph and His Brothers_ 5 pts: _Buddenbrooks_, won in 1929 Answer: Thomas _Mann_ 3. 10 pts: _Absent Without Leave_ and _Group Portait With Lady_ 5 pts: _The Clown_, won in 1972 Answer: Heinrich _Boll_ 6. Identify the oxidation state of sulfur in each of the following compounds FTP each. 1. sodium sulfite Answer: _+4_ 2. hydrogen sulfide Answer: _-2_ 3. sulfuric acid Answer: _+6_ 7. As we all know, the Doors' first album was self-titled. During their short life, they recorded five more studio albums. For five points each with a bonus five all correct, name them. Do not include any live albums or greatest hits compilations. Answer: _Strange Days_, _Waiting For The Sun_, _Morrison Hotel_, The _Soft Parade_, _L.A. Woman_ 8. Answer these questions about the leadership of Zaire for the stated number of points. 1. 5 pts: He assumed power in two coups, in 1960 and 1965. He has yet to relinquish his presidency and is an infamously corrupt dictator. Answer: Joseph _Mobutu_ Sese Seko 2. 10 pts: He headed Katanga province and led a secessionist movement there in 1960; he later assumed a position in the government. Answer: Moise _Tshombe_ 3. 15 pts: This first president of the former Belgian Congo was forced to cooperate with Marxist Patrice Lumumba until Mobutu's first coup. Answer: Joseph _Kasavubu_ 9. FTP each, name the following Lord Byron works. 1. His first poetic drama, its hero sells himself to the Prince of Darkness and lives in solitude in the Alps. Answer: _Manfred_ 2. This poem in four cantos describes events and people associated with many European places. It satisfied the popular craving for travel literature of Byron's day. Answer: _Childe Harold's Pilgrimage_ 3. A Byron poem depicts the annihilating plague that struck down the invading army of this Assyrian king in Palestine during the 7th century BC. Answer: The Destruction of _Sennacherib_ 10. Identify these economic terms for ten points each. a) An index which measures the prices of a fixed "market basket" of some 300 consumer goods bought by a typical consumer. Answer: _Consumer Price Index_ or _CPI_ b) A tax whose average tax rate rises as income increases, thus claiming a larger absolute amount and larger proportion of income as income increases. Answer: _progressive_ tax c) Two goods who are used in tandem and jointly demanded, like CDs and cd players. The price of one good and the demand for the other are inversely related. Answer: _complementary_ goods 11. Identify these types of trees that are taught in any introductory level computer science class FTP each. a) An ordered tree with at most two children for each node. Answer: _binary_ tree b) Developed by two Russians, it is a type of binary search tree in which the balance of a node is either -1, 0, or 1. Answer: _AVL_ tree or _Adel~son-Vel~skii-Landis_ tree c) Used to represent 2-3 trees, this is a tree in which nodes and edges are one of two colors depending on the number and color of its children. Answer: _red-black_ tree 12. Given a building in New York City, identify the architect for the stated number of points. 1. 5 pts: The Guggenheim Museum Answer: Frank Lloyd _Wright_ 2. 10 pts: The Chrysler Building Answer: William _van Alen_ 3. 15 pts: Trinity Church Answer: Richard _Upjohn_ 13. Given a few characters from a Charles Dickens novel, identify it FTP each. a) Newman Noggs, Wackford Squeers Answer: _Nicholas Nickleby_ b) Nell Trent, Daniel Quilp, Kit Nubbles Answer: The _Old Curiosity Shop_ c) Mr. Bronlow, Mrs. Maylie, Mr. Sowerberry Answer: _Oliver Twist_ 14. 30-20-10, name the composer from a list of works. 1. A disastrous attempt at an adaptation of Shakespeare's "Measure for Measure" called _The Ban on Love_. 2. The opera _The Fairies_, and a treatise _Oper und Drama_ 3. The opera _Tristan and Isolde_ Answer: Richard _Wagner_ 15. Answer these questions about the Great Western Schism for the stated number of points. 1. For 10 points, which pope started the whole mess by moving the seat of the papacy from Rome? Answer: _Clement V_ 2. For 5 points each, to what city did Clement move the papal seat, and in what year, within five? Answer: _Avignon_, _1308_ (accept 1303-1313) 3. For ten points, the election of which pope in 1417 ended the Great Western Schism? Answer: _Martin V_ 16. Identify these glacial sedimentary landforms FTP each. a) Usually found in clusters and around 25-50 meters high, these are large streamlined hills of till and bedrock that parallel the direction of ice movement. Answer: _drumlins_ b) Often exploited commercially, these are small hills of sand and gravel dumped near or at the edge of the ice. Answer: _kames_ c) Often steep-sided and occupied by ponds or lakes, these are hollows formed when a melting block of ice is partly buried by sand and gravel. Answer: _kettles_ 17. Given a work, identify the Latin American author, FTP each. 1. _The Labyrinth Of Solitude_ Answer: Octavio _Paz_ 2. _Twenty Love Poems and a Song of Despair_ Answer: Pablo _Neruda_ or Ricardo Eliecer Neftali _Reyes_ 3. _The Death of Artemio Cruz_ Answer: Carlos _Fuentes_ 18. Answer these questions about the disastrous Athenian campaign in Sicily during the Peloponnesian Wars, FTP each. 1. Name any of the three Athenian generals at the start of the campaign. Answer: _Alcibiades_ or _Nicias_ or _Lamachus_ 2. Alcibiadies fled to Sparta and persuaded the Spartans to aid the defense of what major Sicilian city? Answer: _Syracuse_ 3. Name any year of the three years during which the Sicilian campaign took place. Answer: _415-413 BC_ 19. Answer these questions relating to the explosive nitroglycerin for the stated number of points. 1. To make nitroglycerin, you combine glycerol with, for 5 points each, what two acidic compounds? Answer: _nitric acid_ and _sulfuric acid_ 2. The high freezing point of nitroglycerin can present a problem, usually solved by mixing it with, FTP, what common active ingredient in radiator coolant? Answer: _ethylene glycol_ 3. As the Oklahoma bomber found out, what compound, most often used as fertilizer, can act as a substitute for nitroglycerin in bomb making? Answer: _ammonium nitrate_ 20. Identify the 19th Century French painter responsible for each of the following works for 5 points each. 1. _The Luncheon of the Boating Party_ Answer: Pierre Auguste _Renoir_ 2. _Olympia_ Answer: Edouard _Manet_ 3. _The Burial of Atala_ Answer: Anne-Louis _Girodet_ (or Girodet-Trioson) 4. _The Death of Sardanapalus_ Answer: Eugene _Delacroix_ 5. _The Card Players_ Answer: Paul _Cezanne_ 6. _The Harbor of La Rochelle_ Answer: Jean-Baptiste-Camille _Corot_ ----extras---- Identify these figures from the Smithsonian "Enola Gay" exhibit incident, 15 points each. 1. This ousted head of the Air and Space Museum has written a new book, titled "An Exhibit Denied," about the controversy. Answer: Martin _Harwit_ 2. He became Secretary of the Smithsonian at the height of the controversy; Harwit partially blames him for the trouble. Answer: I. Phillip _Heymann_ Answer these questions about Argentinian leaders not named Peron, for the stated number of points. 1. 5 pts: Name the current president of Argentina. Answer: Carlos Saul _Menem_ 2. 10 pts: Name Menem's predecessor, the first civilian president since the military coup of 1976. Answer: Raul _Alfonsin_ 3. 15 pts: This general was the last military dictator; he resigned in disgrace in 1983 after the disastrous Falklands War. Answer: Leopoldo _Galtieri_